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Make use of Whatsapp Business

Whatsapp is a great platform to keep in touch with your friends and family; however it is quickly becoming an even better platform for business. Wild Earth conducts most of its business through Whatsapp and we have seen the benefits that it can have in our industry.

The first thing we recommend to all our sellers is to download ‘Whatsapp Business’. This is the business app for Whatsapp and can be set up with your personal number or a new number. This app will give your business a presence on Whatsapp; in turn allowing you to talk to your customers in the most efficient and professional way.

From there you need to set up your profile; in other words making sure your Whatsapp business profile is an accurate representation of your business. Insert a business name or your full name if you don’t have a business name yet; this will make your profile appear more professional. Choose the category you operate in; if selling Wild Earth is your main business then choose “Apparel & clothing”. Add a short description of your business to help customers understand what you do and who you are. Finally add all the other important details such as your business address, operating hours, social media links and finally your website URL if you have one. A profile picture is a really good way to build trust as customers will feel more comfortable if they can put a face to a name.

Once all that is set up you can start incorporating some Whatsapp business tools into your day to day operations in order to improve your business:

One of the most relevant features for Wild Earth agents will be the broadcast message feature. In this way you can send a single message to many people in your contacts (up to 256 contacts at a time). We use this feature to send out new style details; if you do the same it can save you a lot of time either individually messaging customers or dealing with groups. You pre-select who is in which broadcast group and in that way you can even set up different groups for different types of customers. Our recommendation is that you use this feature to send out offers to customers as soon as you receive them from us; this allows you to get as many orders as possible as soon as the styles are available.

The next thing you should do is set up a Whatsapp catalogue; you will find this option underneath the option to edit your business profile on the app. This is basically your virtual store on Whatsapp; agents should include pictures, product names, descriptions and prices. All the information you need for each style is available on our own Whatsapp catalogues or on our website. Make sure to mention when your customers must order by so that you don’t end up upsetting any of your customers. Also remember to remove styles when they are no longer available and add new ones when they become available.

This feature will allow your customers to browse through available styles and can act as an online store for you if you don’t have a website. Customers can order directly from the catalogue or ask questions about pieces directly from there as well. It is also easy to share links directly from the catalogue as well; this helps people share your page with others.

There are some other cool features such as the away message, greeting message and quick replies. These can save you time and improve on your relationships with customers through better communication. The greeting message is a message that is automatically sent to a new number the first time they message you; this can help new customers get an understanding of your business and can allow for quick response times even when you aren’t on your phone. An away message is another automatic response that can be sent if you are away and not dealing with business related messages temporarily. Finally quick replies are pre-written messages that you can save to use whenever you need; use these for messages that you send often such as transactional messages like thanking customers for orders. This can save you a lot of time and energy that can be better spent on growing your business.

As you can see there are a number of awesome benefits from Whatsapp Business; we highly recommend getting started on the app if you haven’t already. We use Whatsapp Business to keep in contact with our customers and to send out all our new offers and it is truly a game changer; give it a try and let us know what you think!

“This app will give your business a presence on Whatsapp; in turn allowing you to talk to your customers in the most efficient and professional way.”

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