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Make Use of Social Media

Wild Earth agents are their own business owners and thus they need to consider their own businesses as independent brands that must attract customers. It is important that you work your own brands and build a following in order to achieve.

In this post we will discuss how to utilise social media within our industry for best results. Please note we won’t be making too much mention of Whatsapp as we have already released a prior post on Whatsapp business, please check it out for more great advice.

As we mentioned social media can be a great way to build your personal brands. Social media pages are a form of owned media; this means they are a set of channels with which you have complete control. In order to build your brand you need to determine what exactly your brand stands for. For example it may be to provide quality clothing at affordable prices to woman or maybe it is to provide boutique level clothing to woman in areas without access to boutiques. These are just examples it may be just as simple as to sell beautiful clothing to woman but then you need to ensure that your social media pages are consistent in showing customers that this is what your brand is about.

Think about it as if your social media pages were answering the question of “Why choose us?” You want to show potential customers why your brand is a good option to buy from.

This leads on quite well to the next benefit of social media and that is to attract customers. Social media is a great way to find and connect with like minded people; for your company this could mean new customers who have never seen Wild Earth clothing before. You can even have your contact details attached and in that way go from brand building to sales through social media.

Places like Instagram and Facebook are also great platforms to teach customers about how your business works; you can explain how often you send out styles, where you send out styles and even how customers can go about ordering. Other important details like prices, delivery and sizing can also go on social media in descriptions, highlights or bios. In this way you can save yourself a lot of time that would usually be spent explaining these things. This time can then rather be used to grow your business.

Social media is an amazing way to add value to your customers; in other words giving them more beyond just sales. This added value comes back in the form of customer loyalty and positive sentiment towards your business. In fact studies show that returning customers are worth up to 10 times more than new ones (Milica, 2023). This means giving your customers more can be greatly beneficial for your company.

Some examples of added value you can provide would be maybe some style inspiration; this can be your own styling or even other peoples style content (make sure you always credit the original user and ask for permission before reposting other peoples content). Other ideas would be size guides; feel the pieces yourself and show customers how they fit and what the size recommendations are. This is a great way to build trust and also to greatly reduce your return rates. Reels and Tik Tok in particular are great for reach and engagement so experiment with video content where possible.

Social media is also great for customer service and as a centralised place to interact with your customers. You can talk to your customers directly through social media and in that way better understand what their needs and wants are. If you better understand your customers and what they desire then you will be all the more equipped to deliver on those desires and this in turn builds your brand. Gone are the days of brands pushing out mass advertising campaigns in one direction. These days customers expect two way communication and want to have their voices heard so don’t hesitate to engage with them as much as possible.

Remember we provide you guys with lots of high quality branded images of our clothing and you can access these pictures on our website under the gallery page. Feel free to use these pictures on social media as well as your own content so customers can get a feel for the product (Wild Earth) as well as your personal brand and why they should buy from you.

Social media has so many benefits for businesses in our industry and the best part of it all is that the use of social media is almost always completely free. So go out and experiment to see the benefits for your businesses today!

“Think about it as if your social media pages were answering the question of “Why choose us?”


Milica, K., 2023. Returning customers are worth 10x more than a new one. [Online]

Available at:,focus%20on%20customer%20retention%20strategies.

[Accessed 11 May 2023].

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