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How to Build your Database

No business can succeed without customers; as such building a strong database of customers is essential for agents to succeed in our industry. In this post we will give some tips that can help agents grow their databases.

First things first; it is important to have somewhere where you can store your database; we recommend either a Whatsapp broadcast group or a Whatsapp group. In other words this is where you will add everyone that is new so that they can receive offers and make orders. It is important that everyone you add to these groups has given consent and wants to be added so that you don’t end up annoying them; otherwise this will have the opposite effect.

From here it is time to start growing your database; a good start is friends and family. Ask them if they wouldn’t mind getting added to the groups to order Wild Earth pieces; remember you only need to get up to 6 pieces and then you guys can start placing orders. Consider getting a group of friends who all love Wild Earth to start and then order in groups when new styles come out. This is an easy way to start selling and become accustomed to how we do business.

From here you can start incentivizing referrals; for example you can offer a discount if someone recommends you to a friend and they end up ordering. Other options would be possibly a free item after a certain number of successful referrals (maybe after 10 referrals). This is a great way to get your database to work for you and allow for a lot of organic growth.

Now you are starting to build a bit of a following; a natural progression is to start making use of social media. Create an Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok page for your business. From here you can make use of both our own content that we provide and then personal content so that potential customers can get a feel for you as an agent. Agents need to differentiate themselves to stand out in the crowd.

These before mentioned methods are the most cost effective ways to start a good customer database. However not everything is free; once you are starting to make a consistent income and can set aside a marketing budget then you can make use of paid marketing. In our experience Facebook ads is a great place to start; once again use a combination of our content and your own. It is important to build awareness and interest in your personal business so that you can get loyal customers to order from you consistently. Sponsored ads on Instagram can also work, but it will depend on who you are trying to target.

If you still want greater exposure you can use offline media; what we mean by this is possibly to get some pamphlets or business cards printed for your own business. Include some lovely pictures and your contact details. You can put these pamphlets in post boxes in your area or hand them out at the robots.

Another option is to attend some local markets; in this way you can sell directly to customers while also interacting with them in person and building that personal relationship. You can use these markets as a great way to just chat about your business and get more people in your database. Consider having your pamphlets or business cards at your stall as well as maybe a form where people can sign up with their names and numbers to be added to your database. Use these markets as a way to get your brand out there.

“Building a strong database of customers is essential for agents to succeed in our industry.”

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